Thursday, June 18, 2009


June 5, 2009

Friends, Family, Countrymen, anyone reading this!

I would like to invite you to be a part of my life as of right now. Here’s what has happened - I have just finished my fourth year of college at Cascade College. If you are not familiar with it, I must regretfully inform you that it closed its doors this year. This was a big deal and I could talk about it for days but that’s not the point of this letter. Being that I am on the “five-year plan” for my higher education I have to transfer to another school and that school is none other than Cascade’s sister school of Oklahoma Christian University – all the way across the country. While it scares me that I could possibly get taken up in a tornado I am remaining optimistic about the whole situation. My plans that I’ve made thus far in life haven’t really gone my way and things have turned out for the better. I am telling myself this is just another one of those things. God works in crazy ways so I have faith that this is just another journey I must go on and I am okay with that. I am finding out I am a rambler. – forgive me for the tangents.

I am writing to share with you a fantastic opportunity that God has placed before me, and to ask you to join me with this great work. I have been invited to come back as an intern this summer with the PUMP (Portland Urban Ministry Project) Church of Christ. PUMP is a church and a non-profit whose mission is to minister to the children and families of Northeast Portland, Oregon. I will be primarily working with the PUMP summer program (PSP). What is PSP you ask? Please let me share – it is a six-week program for community children, focusing on strengthening children’s minds, as well as their spiritual life with a daily reading program and Bible-based mentoring and education.

If you are thinking, “didn’t she do this last summer?” you would be correct. The PUMP internship was not supposed to be on the agenda last summer but previous summer plans ended to say the least (this is where another long tangent could be made). PUMP was a blessing from God and I have no doubt that everything that happened last summer was for a reason. PSP and PUMP have become dear to my heart. I have learned that you do not have to have some degree or lots of money to be Jesus to someone; you just have to love people. There were a few children that were extra dear to my heart. One was Brandyn, he was such a ball of energy and you could tell he needed one-on-one care. This is why I loved reading groups; I was able to just read with him and be a part of his life and give him the attention he craved. He was just one face in the sea of smiles that awaits you everyday of the summer program. PSP is a great outlet for me to use my spiritual gifts and I look forward to this summer and how it will be enriching to me and everyone involved.

In order to minister at PUMP this summer, I am encouraged to raise $3000 by July 1st. These funds will be used to cover any expense incurred this summer such as housing, meals, and travel. I am also trying to save whatever I can as I will be graduating next spring. I hate nothing more than asking money from people, but donating to my internship is a chance to be a part of a great ministry that many do not have a chance to participate in. If you so choose to, please make all tax-deducible checks payable to PUMP Church of Christ and mail them to:

PUMP Church of Christ
c\o Heather Bird Internship
PO Box 11510
Portland, OR 97211

I ask that you pray for the PUMP church and the children who will be touched PUMP this summer. Pray that God will work through the hearts of the staff and interns and change these children’s lives in His name. If you have any questions or want more information, please do not hesitate to contact the PUMP staff or me personally! Please send your email address with your check if you would like to receive email updates about my internship. Thank you so much for your financial and prayer support. May God bless you as you serve Him today.