Tuesday, October 14, 2008


(This is for my new love of peacock feathers.)

Blogging. It's not my forte. When I actually get around to doing it, I can't figure out the best way to go about it. I feel like I have to catch you up on every detail of my life and I just can't do that in words - so come ask me. Also, I always feel so random and that my thoughts aren't connected. Well, guess what folks - that's how my brain works most of the time...

So, to get you all a bit up to date...

Summer was a m a z i n g . I wouldn't have had it any other way. I fell in love with like 70 kids and they showed be a glimse of what it is like to be Jesus to people. I met new friends, new faces and grew closer to those I knew going into it. I love PUMP. I love PSP. There's a new special place in my heart that's been filled that frankly I didn't know was empty. I now love going to church. It's about more than seeing friends - it's about seeing Jesus.

School is already taking over most of my life...but in a good way I suppose. I'm not taking too big of a class load, but I am, however, taking a class from each part of my IDS (psych, business, comm) which I have never done before. Variety. I like it. Deltas is going swimmingly - I say that as I knock on wood... Our pledge class was a bit smaller than normal - 10 - but my new sisters are pretty swell if I do say so myself. I love being a Delta. I just do. That's all I can say to explain it :o)

It's strange. I actually like my classes this semester. I can apply them to my life as of right now. It's crazy. Who would have thought, right? Something else that's on my mind right now is Witness...auditions are coming up I can feel mom is constantly pestering me to audition and I don't really know what to do with it. I really enjoy singing and touring for the little bit was fun, but is that what I want? Is that what God wants for me? I have no clue. I do know that I need scholarships and it comes with a nice one but is that a reason to do something? I don't know. Just pray for that situation. Whatever that means. I have been giving some things to God and he is taking care of things and I want this to be something I can give Him as well. (Strange, the issues that are hard for me to give up are the ones that keep me stressing...)

I don't even know where I'm going with I'm going to end it.

There you have it. My life in a little teeny nut shell.


Kristi said...

I'm glad you gave an update on what's going on. Keep us updated on how the Lord leads you this year. I'm sure it will be a great journey!